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Rainforest facts you can share
Rainforest facts you can share

Here are some really useful and powerful facts that will educate your customers on why we need to protect rainforests.

Alyx avatar
Written by Alyx
Updated over a week ago
  • One Football field of rainforest is lost every second of every day due to deforestation

  • Deforestation releases as much carbon as the entire global transportation sector each year.

  • Nearly 70,000 acres of tropical rainforest are lost every day

  • The majority of the world’s plants and animals are found in rainforests

  • Tropical deforestation accounts for up to 15% of net global carbon emissions each year

  • Trees convert CO2 to Carbon, storing it in their trunks, root and in the soil

  • When trees are deforested they stop absorbing carbon and release stored carbon into our atmosphere

  • Tropical rainforests are the lungs of our planet

  • Halting tropical deforestation and allowing regrowth could mitigate 50% of global emissions by 2050

  • Each Tree protected stores carbon and is home to wildlife form Parrots to Beetles70% of the known cancer-fighting plants that exist only in the rainforest.

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